Preventive Dentistry Rocky River
Identifying Potential Problems Before They Start

If needing restorative care to address cavities and dental damage is something you want to avoid, preventive dentistry can help. Our dentists at Rocky River Dental are experts in identifying potential problems before they start so that your teeth and gums remain healthy. Offering regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings as well as fluoride treatment, family dentistry, and customized mouthguards, we’re here to meet your needs and exceed your expectations, so call our office to schedule an appointment today.
Why Choose Rocky River Dental for Preventive Dentistry?
- We Welcome Dental Patients as Young as 7
- Dentist Serving Rocky River Residents for 30 Years
- State-of-the-Art Dental Facility & Technologies
Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Our dental checkups and teeth cleanings are recommended every six months for children and adults unless otherwise noted. We will take digital scans of your teeth and gums as well as perform a complete head and neck exam as part of an oral cancer screening. After evaluating your mouth and checking for signs of decay, infection, or damage, we’ll begin to clean your smile, removing any plaque and tartar before giving your pearly whites a final polish.
Family Dentistry

We care about the families living in the Cleveland area, which is why we are pleased to see patients as young as seven years old in our dental office. Providing a one-stop shop for your family’s oral healthcare needs, we make it easy for everyone to stay in one convenient location and receive exceptional service and care from three dental experts you can trust. Dr. William L. Farr, Dr. William Z. Farr, and Dr. Dalia Thweib are here to ensure you and your loved ones maintain healthier smiles with each passing year.
Fluoride Treatment

It’s likely that you receive fluoride through the toothpaste you use or the tap water you drink. But if you are still dealing with cavities and tooth decay, you may not be getting enough daily exposure to it. With an additional fluoride treatment during your regular checkup, we can apply it to your teeth so there is a barrier of protection between your pearly whites and any harmful bacteria. It will not only strengthen your existing tooth enamel but also fight against any decay that might try to damage your smile.
Dental Sealants

The chewing teeth (molars and premolars) consist of various grooves and crevices that are key targets for bacteria and food particles. If left uncleaned because of novice brushing habits, which is common among children, they can develop cavities. We aim to stop this problem by safeguarding these teeth with dental sealants. The clear, protective material is applied over the chewing surfaces so that plaque and tartar cannot form over time.
Athletic Mouthguards/ Sportsguards

Sports-related injuries often include broken, chipped, or knocked-out teeth. If you want to make sure that your child or teen avoids one or more sudden trips to the emergency dentist’s office, equip them with a customized athletic mouthguard/sportsguard. Using digital impressions of their smile, we’ll have a device crafted to fit comfortably and securely inside their mouth so that it absorbs any pressure while keeping their teeth and gums better protected throughout the game.
Nightguards for Bruxism

Jaw pain and worn-down tooth enamel are common symptoms of bruxism. Also known as teeth grinding/clenching, this habit often goes unnoticed by sufferers, resulting in dentists being the ones to address the problem. Whether you know that you grind your teeth or not, we can have a customized nightguard created for you to wear while asleep. The device prevents your upper and lower arches from touching so that your teeth remain protected, and your jaw joints relax.